Random Kitty fact

14.04.2013 - 19:54 / Kitty.

Kategoria: Kitty!.



14.04.2013 - 19:52 / Kitty.

Did I mention that this doesn’t happen very often…

24.03.2013 - 18:03 / Kitty.

Kategoria: Kitty!.


It’s all about the presentation

24.03.2013 - 18:02 / Kitty.


We named the moustache Pertti.

Kategoria: Omituisten otusten kerho, Päivis.


Better than flowers

10.03.2013 - 23:37 / Kitty.

An accurate description of my sense of humor

9.03.2013 - 0:02 / Kitty.



Kategoria: Päivis.


2.What I’m really bad at

8.03.2013 - 23:52 / Kitty.

If I were a manatee

8.03.2013 - 23:44 / Kitty.



Kategoria: Näinhän täällä käy.


Because all the cool kids were doing it…

3.12.2012 - 23:41 / Kitty.

…so I wanted to do it too! I asked people in FB to pick numbers, but if you have something in mind that wasn’t already picked, you can put the number to comments. Numbers 38,2,8,9,30,54,7,16,33 and 39 have been asked already and I reserve the right not to answer to everything 😀

Kategoria: Päivis.



3.12.2012 - 23:21 / Kitty.






















Old one, from summer. I doodled this at the airport, I tried to capture the feeling I always have in big cities, the harmony of it all.

Kategoria: Päivis.
